Sunday, June 28, 2009

School Holiday Extended

I was just listening to the national news at 5.45pm... School holiday has just been extended up to 5th July 2009.

But...that doesn't mean you can go out sesuka hatiii! bukannya kan kuai2 lintas2 melepak di kadai (MALL) ah... minimise social interaction with others especially if you've just returned from abroad. Pebaik tah KK kah...Limbang kah... Miri kah...

See you on the 6th then. Nah... extended jua lagi tu dateline homework kamu... nada excuse inda siap ni!! ^^

Saturday, June 27, 2009


As of Monday, ALL students across the country will be checked:

1. If they've been out of the country since 24 June 2009
2. Body temperature

Therefore, it will be a very busy Monday morning. Appreciate everyone's cooperation to let this operation go smoothly. This checking will go on until 4 July 2009 until further notice from Ministry of Education & Ministry of Health.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Star Trek cakes

Anyone want to bake me these? =9

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Dear students,

I know there's a few of you who haven't received your copies of homework yet. Please leave a comment here to let me know. DO NOT leave your email addresses in the comments. Just tell me who you are and we'll work it out. have to hand in your homeworks on the first day of school i.e. 29 June 2009. The latest you can submit is before 12.35pm.

I will be at the school this holiday. Come see me in the morning if you want to collect your homework. Okay?