Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Syawal menjelang tiba sehari dua lagi...

My dear students,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri... Maaf zahir batin kalau teacher ada tersilap cakap, terkasar bahasa... Kalau kan beraya ke rumah teacher, dipersilakan. Teacher open house ni 25 September ani... Just text me okeh. Insya Allah I'll send texts to you all (siapa2 yg bagi nombornya lah tu).


Monday, August 31, 2009


Did you know... that today's the day I celebrate my life?

And to spend it half of the morning in HEP... I'm so disappointed... that you would do this.

Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beautiful earth

Betapa indahnya bumi ciptaan Allah s.w.t....

See more pics and descriptions here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I just am. Of what happened these past few days.

Looking forward to a better tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pistol Shrimp

Extra Class

So, as it turns out, tomorrow's extra class can be held.

You know the time and place...

Again, it is NOT compulsory. I'll be there to answer your questions. Or you can use the time to DO your homework =)


I felt really tired today as I didn't get enough rest. So, when I found some students "complaining" or "sighing-ever-so-loudly" whether by joking or actually serious, that certainly didn't help to lift up my mood.

If you find that the exercises I gave you are just a burden to you, tell me ahead so I don't have to give it to you. But of course, provided that you can prove to me that you can score 90% above in a POA final exam paper NOW. Then we'll talk.

Should you be able to get that much, these exercises should be a breeze to you. Easy-peasy. Enough said.

To those who try so hard to complete those exercises, I thank you sincerely for your efforts . Inya Allah they'll all be worth it =)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bad News

Come to school tomorrow and you'll know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My life in school

So, as I promised to all of my students, I've given three special awards to three students. The award is called "Student of The Month". The criterias to win are simple. Good behaviour is one of them.

When I evaluate each student for this award, I DON'T look at your marks. Sometimes you see me with a clipboard right? And when I jot things down, those are actually my notes about you lot.

For one class, some of you come close. Almost a tie. But I count points. Obviously, the student with the highest points win.

Without further ado, and as you already know, here are the students of the month of July 2009.




Congratulations girls! If you want me to take the photos down, do tell. I'm posting these up as a motivation not just for you to keep improving but also for the others to grab that title for this month!

Live Update: Test Results


Number of students: 9

Passes: 7
Fails: 2


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Live update: Test Results


Total: 24 (+1 from 4A)

Passes: 13
Fails: 10

Absentee: Wafi

One student got 100%


Monday, August 10, 2009


What happens next?

Live update: Test Results


Passes: 10 only

Mood: =(

Next: 4B

Live update: Marking 2nd assessment test papers


Passes: 8
Fails: 8

Mood: =/

6 more papers to go

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weird Tape Effect

Another science mystery for you! If you've got it, tell me!

Warning labels for bloggers

Today's The Joy of Tech comic

Graph: Study

song chart memes

Disregard the one about Sesame Street unless you grew up watching them like I did =)

Science is cool!

If in the future, you decide to not go into the accounting field but instead the science field, consider this:

Undergraduates from Virginia Tech designed a vehicle for the BLIND. Seriously cool!


[...] The semi-autonomous vehicle uses a laser range finder, voice software and other sensory technology, and it worked flawlessly when blind drivers took the wheel on a closed course. [...]

[...] The steering wheel is hooked up to a distance monitor that gathers information from laser range finders, and it uses voice software to tells the driver how far to turn the wheel. For example, the monitor will tell the driver “turn left three clicks.” As the driver does that, the monitor makes three clicking noises.

A vibrating vest provides cues to follow when accelerating and decelerating. The vest vibrates in different places — the back, the belly and the shoulders — to convey different commands. When the entire vest vibrates, it means, “Slam on the brakes!”[...]

[...] “People always say, ‘What’s the point of this project?’” Hong said. “But blind people who drive the vehicle always have a big smile on their face afterwards. It’s therapeutic and gives them hope of being entirely independent.” [...]

Cool innit?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Good news. Second Assessment Test's format has been changed:


Consisting of Topic 4 & 5.


Extra classes:

Commencing 27 July 2009

Mondays & Wednesdays
Twice a week.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


My dear students,

The time has come to give you topical tests. There will be two tests coming in the near future.


Topics: Double-Entry(4) & Trial Balance(5)
ONE QUESTION only but it's quite a long one. I'll use one of your 2-period classes.
That means...

4A - 27 July 2009 -- Periods 1 & 2

4B - 28 July 2009 -- Periods 6 & 7

4C - 27 July 2009 -- Periods 4 & 5

4E - 27 July 2009 -- Periods 8 & 9


This will happen sometime between 4 & 17 August 2009. I haven't got the timetable yet.

Just know that the topics covered will be from Topic 1 to Topic 6.

There are going to be two papers ie. Paper 1 & 2.

Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions -- 30 questions

Paper 2: Structured Questions -- 5 questions

So, I appreciate it if you can revise early on your own.


Third thing, extra classes will begin NEXT WEEK on 29th July (Wednesday) and further dates will be listed out in the forms which I'll give to all of you next week (for your parents to sign). I'll conduct 2/3 extra classes a week. I know it's too much but know that you're way behind from other schools. WAY behind. You should be starting at least topic 10 by now.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

School Holiday Extended

I was just listening to the national news at 5.45pm... School holiday has just been extended up to 5th July 2009.

But...that doesn't mean you can go out sesuka hatiii! bukannya kan kuai2 lintas2 melepak di kadai (MALL) ah... minimise social interaction with others especially if you've just returned from abroad. Pebaik tah KK kah...Limbang kah... Miri kah...

See you on the 6th then. Nah... extended jua lagi tu dateline homework kamu... nada excuse inda siap ni!! ^^

Saturday, June 27, 2009


As of Monday, ALL students across the country will be checked:

1. If they've been out of the country since 24 June 2009
2. Body temperature

Therefore, it will be a very busy Monday morning. Appreciate everyone's cooperation to let this operation go smoothly. This checking will go on until 4 July 2009 until further notice from Ministry of Education & Ministry of Health.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Star Trek cakes

Anyone want to bake me these? =9

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Dear students,

I know there's a few of you who haven't received your copies of homework yet. Please leave a comment here to let me know. DO NOT leave your email addresses in the comments. Just tell me who you are and we'll work it out. have to hand in your homeworks on the first day of school i.e. 29 June 2009. The latest you can submit is before 12.35pm.

I will be at the school this holiday. Come see me in the morning if you want to collect your homework. Okay?